Architect design and build up of bapontar guest houses
Planning and building need a process from good teamwork, the architect as a planner to give good information to the contractor in the form of images, dimension sizes well, material that wants to be applied to the building
Of course, all image planning processes have been approved by the owner before publishing to the contractor to be built.
After that the contractor began to build with teamwork that was well directed by the architect as a supervisor so that the building produced was in accordance with what the owner expected.
The discussion search a solution with a strict Budget Plan so that the owner did not feel disadvantaged and provided efficient work procedures so that the contractor gained profit from good performance on the results of his work.
This is we work team detail concept at work.
Desain arsitek dan rancang bangun guest house bapontar
Merencanakan dan membangun membutuhkan proses kerja sama tim yang baik, arsitek berperan sebagai perencana memberikan keterangan yang baik kepada kontraktor berupa gambar , ukuran yang jelas, material yang ingin di terapkan kepada bangunan
Tentu semua proses perencanaan gambar sudah di approve oleh owner sebelum publish kepada kontraktor untuk dibangun.
Setelah itu kontraktor mulai membangun dengan kerja sama tim yang baik di arahkan oleh arsitek sebagai pengawas agar bangunan yang di hasilkan sesuai dengan yang di harapkan owner.
Diskusi mencari solusi dengan Rencana Anggaran Biaya yang ketat agar owner tidak merasa dirugikan dan memberikan tata cara kerja yang efesien agar kontraktor mendapatkan keutungan dari prestasi yang baik terhadap hasil pekerjaannya.
Begitulah cara kerja kami detail concept arsitek dalam bekerja.